
Monday, January 12, 2009

Jurassic Park Revisited

I wonder if we're on the verge of a new scientific age of discovery? Some new findings are just incredible. Recently my cardiologist suggested to me that regrowing damaged arteries and heart tissue might be a thing of my lifetime and might revolutionize cardiac care. As a guy who just had heart surgery, that's incredibly good news...

From the National Geographic -

Using cells from dead mice frozen for 16 years, a team of Japanese geneticists has successfully created healthy clones of the dead animals.

The breakthrough could pave the way for resurrecting extinct animals, such as the woolly mammoth, from frozen remains, experts say.

"We have demonstrated that even frozen animal tissue can be used to produce clones," said Teruhiko Wakayama, a geneticist at the Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan.

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