
Saturday, December 01, 2012

Joke time

Out in the Pacific Ocean, Sam and his wife Sue, two clams, owned a restaurant that had live disco music every Saturday night. Their diner was known for its great musicians, the shrimp quartet. Bob played guitar, Chuck played the drums, Sally sang, and Harry played the harp. 

One day while crossing the street, Harry the shrimp was involved in an accident and was trampled to death by an urchin driving an out-of-control sea horse. Everyone at Sam's disco was devastated. Without old Harry playing his harp, the disco just wouldn't be the same. Even Harry, now in heaven, was sad. He asked St. Peter if he could go back just once more and play with the shrimp quartet on a hopping Saturday disco night. St. Peter said yes and allowed him to leave heaven for one night. 

Harry joined the shrimp in their disco frenzy and had a great time catching up with all his old crustacean friends. 

When the night was over, he sadly returned to heaven. St. Peter looked at him and asked, "Harry, where is your harp?" 

Harry sighed," I guess," he paused, "I left my harp in Sam Clam's disco."

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