
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Twenty actors and the person they played (more to come)

Tom Cruise as Claus Von Stauffenberg in “Valkyrie”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock in “Hitchcock”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious in “Sid and Nancy”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

James Franco as Allen Ginsberg in “Howl”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Stephen Fry as Oscar Wilde in “Wilde”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman in “Man On The Moon”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Gary Busey as Bunny Holly in “The Buddy Holly Story”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Don Cheadle as Miles Davis as “Miles Ahead”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe in “My Week With Marilyn”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Cate Blanchett as Veronica Guerin in “Veronica Guerin”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Colin Firth as King George VI in “The King’s Speech”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison in “The Doors”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin in “The Last King of Scotland”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Jeff Daniels as Col Joshua Lawrence Chamberlin in “Gettysburg”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Sean Penn as Harvey Milk in “Milk”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Daniel Day Lewis as Abraham Lincoln in “Lincoln”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh in “Hitchcock”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Andre 3000 as Jimi Hendrix in “All Is By My Side”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

George C Scott as General George S Patton Jr in “Patton”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

Benicio Del Toro as Ernesto Che Guevara in “Che”
Actors Alongside the Famous People They Portrayed

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