
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Stupidity highlighted in the news - 16 stories

A Florida town passed an anti-homeless law that prohibited lying in parks. A homeless man called the police on a family having a picnic. The family was escorted away.The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
A white supremacist wanted to turn a North Dakota town into a haven for racists, so he took a genetic heritage test on TV to prove his racial purity. He's 14% sub-Saharan African.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
Kim Kardashian held a charity auction for victims of the Philippines disaster and kept 90% of the revenue.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
The Army's top sexual assault prosecutor was suspended for sexual assault at a sexual assault conference.
Robin Williams family asks the press to respect their privacy.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
Sarah Palin is disgusted with the commercialization of Christmas and wrote a book about it, which was made available for purchase just in time for the holidays.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
A woman fooled her boyfriend, family, and town into thinking she's pregnant. She was just fat.
 Old Wives tales ar usually just tales.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News

Walmart made more than $15.7b in profits last year and asked customers to donate to its underpaid employees.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
Justin Bieber once urinated in a restaurant kitchen, yelled, "F*** Bill Clinton!" and then ran away.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
Jar Jar Binks is officially more popular than Congress.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
CNN does a split screen, satellite interview on opposite ends of the parking lot.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
Polls show that most of Americans want to criminalize pre-teens playing without supervision. "I doubt there has ever been a human culture, anywhere, anytime, that underestimates children's abilities more than we North Americans do today,"
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
A student went to a doctor's appointment and didn't show up to school. The school's receptionist called his phone, heard on his voice mail what she thought was a bomb threat, and called the police. The school was put on lockdown, and the boy was arrested. His "bomb threat" voice mail was the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song.
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News
Nelson Mandela's sign language interpreter was a complete fraud who was "literally just flapping his arms around."
The Dumbest Stories to Ever Make the News

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